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Benefits of In-Office Fluoride Treatments


Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps strengthen the tooth enamel. The standard rate of fluoridated water lies between 0.5-1 parts per million (ppm). However, many communities still need access to fluoridated water. In-office fluoride treatments can quickly fill the gap in case of inaccessibility to fluoride in tap water.


Fluoride treatment uses a varnish that helps protect both adult and baby teeth. It is an essential oral health treatment that helps fight bacteria in the mouth. It is helpful to consider if you are at a greater risk of developing cavities. 


Tooth cavities are among all age groups. However, children are at more risk of developing them because of the high sugar content in their diet. Consulting a pediatric dentist about fluoride treatment would be best to protect your child's oral health. 


Fluoride helps rebuild the tooth enamel by replenishing lost minerals, such as calcium and phosphate. Besides fighting tooth cavities, it adds protection to your oral health. Read on to learn more benefits of fluoride treatments in this article.   


"The right quantity of fluoride is essential to keep the teeth and gums healthy. A fluoride content of 0.7 ppm is the latest agreed upon among dental health experts. However, the age group still matters in finding the right amount. An amount above 4.0 ppm is generally considered hazardous". 


What Happens During Fluoride Treatment? 


Tooth decay is estimated to be a common dental health illness affecting kids and adults. Fluoride treatment aims to prevent tooth decay, slow its progression, or even stop it from worsening. Fluoride treatment uses a varnish professionally applied to teeth for added protection. 


The procedure of applying fluoride varnish takes just a few minutes. Usually, the application takes place with a brush or a cotton swab or as the dentist recommends. Sometimes, it is placed in a tray or used as a rinse. You can use it on teeth as a gel, varnish, foam, or solution. 


Whatever the case, the fluoride has to stay in the mouth for a few minutes. After the treatment, the dentist primarily instructs not to eat, drink, or rinse the mouth for at least 30 minutes. In this way, fluoride is well-absorbed in the mouth, and it helps repair the affected areas.   

 Benefits of In-Office Fluoride Treatments  

Uses of Fluoride Treatment 


Fluoride treatment has numerous benefits and uses, and here we'll discuss the most important ones. Let's get to know these. 


  • Fluoride Helps in the Remineralization of the teeth' surface.


The acidic foods and bacterial activity erode and weaken the tooth's surface. Fluoride treatments help restore mineral loss and support the teeth in regaining strength. Fluoride brings calcium and phosphate ions together, thereby remineralizing the tooth surface. 


The remineralization process through fluoride treatment usually takes up to four months. You experience better oral health with low teeth sensitivity when it takes effect. It Prevents Teeth Sensitivity. When the tooth enamel gets eroded, it makes the teeth more susceptible to sensitivity. It happens because the dentin layer beneath the tooth enamel gets exposed. 


As a result, you have high sensitivity to acidic or sugary foods and drinks. Moreover, there is sensitivity to temperature variations accompanied by pain during flossing or brushing. A fluoride varnish can help prevent teeth sensitivity and lower the risk of unpleasant reactions.  


According to recent estimates, teeth sensitivity affects 1 in 8 adults and can be a warning sign for a severe dental issue. If you have teeth sensitivity, be willing to consult a dentist on time. Fluoride treatments help prevent teeth sensitivity and ensure good oral health.    


  • Helps Preserve Your Smile 


Fluoride helps to secure the smile by protecting the teeth against tooth discoloration and gum recession. Tooth discoloration happens when plaque and tartar accumulate on teeth. The discolored teeth most likely contain cavities and put you at significant risk of tooth decay. 


On the other hand, receding gums causes higher tooth sensitivity and other symptoms. These include swollen gums, bleeding gums, bad breath, or loose teeth. 


Fluoride treatment reduces the prevalence of tooth discoloration and protects the teeth against gum disease. When applied to teeth, the fluoride varnish makes it hard for stains to stay on teeth. Regular fluoride treatments help elevate your smile and overall oral health. 


  • It Inhibits the Prevalence of Tooth Cavities 


Fluoride treatment comes under preventive dental care. Besides strengthening the tooth enamel, it helps prevent tooth cavities. After the common cold, tooth decay is the second most occurring infectious disease worldwide. More than 80% of Americans have at least one tooth cavity by the time they reach their 30s. In contrast, more than half of children worldwide have tooth cavities, even in their primary or baby teeth. 


Fluoride treatment is crucial to prevent tooth cavities. It can even inhibit the growth of an ongoing tooth cavity in the initial stages. Dentists recommend fluoride treatment for both kids and adults. However, it is more frequently required if you are at more risk of developing tooth cavities. Visit your dentist regularly to protect your teeth against tooth cavities and tooth decay. 

 Benefits of In-Office Fluoride Treatments  

  • It Reduces Dental Costs 


Fluoride treatments are an excellent investment to avoid serious dental issues. Besides protecting against cavities, it helps strengthen the tooth enamel. Also, it helps eliminate wear down of tooth enamel due to bacterial growth or plaque accumulation. 


Fluoride treatment helps ensure fewer tooth cavities and tooth decay. Doing so helps reduces dental costs and the need for dental restoration. Fluoride treatments are affordable, and it uplifts oral health functioning. It multiplies its effect when you maintain good oral hygiene to promote oral health. According to popular belief, fluoride treatment reduces the prevalence of tooth cavities by up to 43%, on average. 


Besides fluoridated water, toothpaste, and mouth rinses, professional and an in-office fluoride treatment is best. It contains more fluoride than other things and helps ensure good oral health. 


Who Should Get Fluoride Treatment? 


Fluoride treatment is essential for both kids and adults. Everyone should get this treatment at least once a year. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends an in-office fluoride treatment to secure oral health. Children can begin taking fluoride as soon as their first tooth starts appearing. It is best to get a fluoride treatment at each dental visit. The acidic foods severely disrupt the tooth enamel, and getting a professional fluoride treatment can significantly help.  


Adults, on the other hand, only need fluoride as frequently as children. However, if one is more prone to tooth cavities, a fluoride treatment will significantly reduce the prevalence of cavities. 


How Often Should You Get a Fluoride Treatment? 


On average, you may require a fluoride treatment after every 6 months to one year. However, it depends upon your oral health needs and the recommendation by your dentist. It is best to consult your dentist regularly to know how often you need fluoride treatment. 


Is Fluoride Safe for Children? 


Fluoride is generally safe for children if given in the prescribed amount. A little fluoride isn't bad for babies and helps ensure optimal oral health functioning. However, you must consult a pediatric dentist to know the right amount of fluoride for your child. 


The Bottom Line 


Plaque causes the enamel to wear down, leading to tooth decay, dental pain, and cavities. Cavities occur when plaque settles on teeth, eroding teeth and gum tissue. Fluoride helps protect the teeth against cavities and strengthens the enamel. 


If you are more likely to form tooth cavities, schedule an appointment with your dentist. Besides maintaining good oral hygiene, you also need fluoride treatment to enjoy better oral health.


Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental, to learn about the benefits of In-Office Fluoride Treatments.




How Does Fluoride Help Our Teeth?


*This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition*

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