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Composite Filling Advantages


Composite Filling Advantages 

Most dentists would agree that the best medicine is prevention. This simply means avoiding cavities at all costs. That said cavities still do occur more often than most people would like. When cavities do happen your dental care provider will typically clean out the decay and apply some type of composite filling. This helps to maintain the integrity of the tooth and stops the cavity in its tracks so that it does not cause more damage. Like all things in modern dentistry composite fillings have some important advantages worth considering.


Dental Patients Enjoy Better Quality Dental Care

For example, composite fillings are unique because they can easily be fixed if they become damaged. In addition, this type of dental composite material allows for less tooth cutting in order to repair a cavity. By allowing for more of the natural tooth to remain, dental patients enjoy better quality dental care. This is an aspect of composite fillings that simply cannot be ignored. In addition, composite filling material is unique in its consistency. In other words, composite filling material is designed in such a way that it will flow smoothly into even tiny crevices.

 Allowing Decay To Be Easier To Spot 

Allowing Decay To Be Easier To Spot

Also worth noting is that with today’s modern composite fillings decay is much easier to identify beneath a tooth. By allowing decay to be easier to spot dentists can help to ensure patients do not experience additional decay especially around the area where a cavity has been filled. Finally, composite fillings are made in such a way that they moderate temperature and pressure. These are just a few of the advantages worth considering when it comes to composite fillings and all that they make possible for today’s modern dentistry. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental today for more information on composite fillings and correcting cavities whenever they occur.


[1] Dental Composite Filling and Modern Dentistry
[2] Understanding Dental Crowns and Tooth Decay



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