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Dental Emergencies And What You Should Do


Dental Emergencies And What You Should Do 

Any time that you believe that you have a dental emergency it is imperative to deal with this type of crisis as quickly as possible. This is especially true considering that most types of dental emergencies are typically a rather painful experience. Quick and attentive action will help to ensure that pain is mitigated and that a tooth will ultimately be saved especially if there has been trauma or serious damage to the tooth. Some of the key indicators that dental emergencies exist include severe pain that causes a disruption in your normal life.


Emergency Dental Care Should Be Implemented Immediately


Under these circumstances you should plan to visit with your dentist as soon as possible. Delaying treatment is one of the biggest mistakes that patients make when they experience a dental emergency. In addition, emergency dental care should be implemented immediately if you ever experience uncontrollable bleeding of the gums or other areas of the oral cavity. Visit your dentist or an urgent care facility immediately if you have any type of uncontrollable bleeding. Applying pressure or using gauze in your mouth may help to stop the bleeding temporarily.

 Kids Are Particularly Prone To Sports Related Dental Injuries 

Kids Are Particularly Prone To Sports Related Dental Injuries


Also important to consider is if a crown or bridge becomes broken. Any fractures to teeth or dental appliances should be addressed immediately. Perhaps one of the most common types of dental emergencies is the ones that are related to sporting events. Kids are particularly prone to sports related dental injuries. Any time a sports related dental injury is experienced contact your dental care provider without delay. In short, any time there is any doubt with regard to the condition of your teeth it is best to schedule an emergency meeting with your dental care provider. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental for more information on dental emergencies and what you should do.


[1] Dental Emergencies And What Should Be Done
[2] Dental Emergencies and What Should We Consider



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