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Dental Technology Just Keeps Getting Better


With little surprise we find that everything in our world only continues to get better in modern times. When it comes to dental care and advanced dental treatments the same holds true. The All-on-4 treatment concept is one perfect example. This is simply an example of dental technology that is minimally invasive and that offers a fixed full arch restoration resulting in impressive levels of patient satisfaction. It’s an excellent alternative to troublesome removable dentures.

Dental Technology Just Keeps Getting Better

Indeed it is a type of treatment that is considered to be highly cost-effective. As a graft-less solution it enables patients to enjoy a fixed full arch prosthesis by way of an outpatient procedure. In layman's terms this means the patient will only require four dental implants while gaining the benefit of a full arch rehabilitation. The end result is immediate functionality where full pressure can be applied to the implants right after completion of the procedure. As an added advantage this type of treatment concept makes the grafting of bone unnecessary [1].

Modern Advanced Dental Technology

Modern Advanced Dental TechnologyThis is made possible by something known as tilted posterior implants. Again relying upon layman's terms this means that a dental care provider is able to make full utilization of available bone to achieve a favorable end result. With this type of modern advanced dental technology patients experience a rapid improvement in overall quality of life even on the same day of surgery. Improved speech and self-esteem are just a few of the benefits that patients can expect when natural teeth are replaced in this way [2].

This treatment saves patients money when compared to conventional dental implant treatment techniques. In addition to the All-on-4 procedure concept there is something known as the 2-Lower Locator implant technique. This is another cutting-edge type of dental procedure that results in substantially improved functionality and better outward visual appearance for patients. In this procedure implants are strategically placed with locator abutments and associated attachments. This is a solution for replacing lower dentures and one that offers excellent functionality.Secure and Stable

Secure and Stable

This particular treatment concept is quickly becoming a modern dental standard of care for anyone requiring a lower denture. The procedure is ideal for those who have had problems with lower dentures in the past. It allows for implants to snap a denture firmly in place resulting in remarkable levels of stability that would otherwise not be possible. Patient quality of life is directly impacted in a very positive way as a result [3].

The 2-Implant with Locator method allows for securing a denture in a more permanent and fixed manner. This means no more messy adhesives and no more moving and flopping around of a denture while eating, talking or even laughing. The technique involves special attachments that snap directly to the implant making the denture surprisingly secure and stable. As a bonus, both of these innovative procedures help to prevent bone loss in the areas where these implants are placed. There is no question that today's dental patients have much to celebrate when it comes to modern dental techniques and technology. Contact your Walnut Creek dentist, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental today to schedule your complimentary consultation appointment.


[1] Learn More About Modern Dental Implant Technology
[2] What is Involved With Having Dental Implants Placed?
[3] Why Dental Implants Make Good Sense Today


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