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Diet and Oral Health


A diet full of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Food that we eat supplies nutrients to our body, bones, gums, and teeth. It then helps to renew tissues in our body and protects against diseases and infections. Therefore, a well-balanced diet is an essential prerequisite for maintaining good oral health.


This article will reflect on some healthy diet options so that you can improve your oral health. It will also highlight some foods to avoid and a few recommended practices for better dental care.


Diet Choices for Good Oral Health

 Diet and Oral Health 

Poor diet contributes to tooth decay and gives rise to tooth cavities. In addition to these, it is a leading risk factor for gum disease and dental caries. With the help of a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus, you can make your teeth stronger and your gums healthier. Make sure to incorporate these foods into your daily routine or have them at least once a day for the well-being of your teeth. Here are a few good diet options that you shouldn’t ignore.


  • Milk, cheese, and other dairy products: Cheese and other dairy products are rich sources of calcium and phosphorus. They help recover tooth enamel and retain minerals that are lost due to unhealthy food consumption.  
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber: Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables act as a natural defense against gum disease and cavities.  
  • Foods with good fluoride content: Fluoridated water, seafood, powdered cereals, dehydrated soups are good for maintaining good oral health.  
  • Black and green tea: The polyphenols in black and green teas help fight plaque bacteria that otherwise might ruin your teeth. So, take them often.


Which foods to avoid?


The unhealthy food that damages oral hygiene is listed below. Stay away from:


  • Carbonated soft drinks
  • Sweets and candies
  • Starchy Foods


Recommendations from ADA


The American Dentistry Association (ADA) recommends doing the following practices to reduce the risk of tooth decay.


  • Flossing and brushing: Floss at least once a day and brush your teeth at least twice, in the morning and at night.
  • Choose nutritious snacks: ADA recommends that you take something healthy whenever you crave a snack. Later, chew sugarless gum to increase saliva flow, which helps wash out food and acid.
  • Have a good water intake: Drink plenty of water and choose water with good fluoride content to prevent tooth decay.
  • Eat sugary items only with meals: Though sugary products are never good if you want to eat them, take them only with your meals. So, the mouth can make more saliva afterward, which helps to break down acid and food.


Final Thoughts


Regular dental care and a healthy diet can help significantly reduce the risk factors of developing dental diseases. In case a few problems emerge, your local dentist can treat them with ease. So, stay away from food that harms your teeth and maintains good oral health. Remember, better oral health means a better sense of well-being. If you need more information about diet and oral health, contact your Walnut Creek dentist, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental.


Wishing you a happy and healthy smile!






Learn More About Women’s Oral Health During Pregnancy 


*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. It is highly recommended that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.

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