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Difference Between Tooth Whitening & Tooth Cleaning


For a majority of Walnut Creek residents, tooth whitening and tooth cleaning appear to be the same thing with the same objectives. Although, apparently any Walnut Creek tooth whitening treatment may sound like the same as that of a Walnut Creek tooth cleaning solution, in reality, they are miles apart. To understand the differences, one would have to look into the procedures and the objectives of Walnut Creek tooth whitening and Walnut Creek tooth cleaning. You can also consult a tooth whitening dentist to get a larger picture. 


 Walnut Creek tooth whitening is a treatment that is aimed at regaining the lustrous white color of your teeth. Most people in the world are born with amazing white set of teeth. Over the years of eating, smoking and wining, our teeth lose their natural color. In some cases, the color may be an indication of some dental problems. Irrespective of the cause of tooth discoloration, people look for a solution that can get them the same old white set of teeth. This is what Walnut Creek tooth whitening does to you. Bleachers are used to remove the stains, tartars and any pigmentation that may have been embedded in the minutest pores of your teeth. Some Walnut Creek tooth whitening solutions use laser treatments for the same. As a result, you can get white, shiny looking teeth after the treatment. Walnut Creek tooth cleaning does not have any objective of trying to make cosmetic changes on your teeth. The primary focus of any Walnut Creek tooth cleaning program is to better your dental health. It involves treating any germs that may be there in your teeth and mouth and it removes all stains and pigments that may have got docketed into your gums or posterior teeth. Walnut Creek tooth cleaning treatments are also used as preventive measures to avoid periodontal disease and a horde of other dental problems. In short, Walnut Creek tooth cleaning programs are for the better health of your teeth and are also the first stage of treatment for a wide variety of dental ailments. Looking at all the aspects of tooth whitening and tooth cleaning, hopefully you have got a clear idea of what their differences are. The only two times a tooth whitening dentist would use the two procedures in conjunction are when either you ask for it or if a dentist has to treat some of your dental ailments prior to going for tooth whitening. About us: Walnut Creek Dental has been around since 1965. We offer comprehensive family and cosmetic dentistry. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us today. We look forward to providing you with the personal care you deserve.

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