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Endodontic Treatment For Those Requiring Root Canal Therapy


Endodontic Treatment 

Today's modern dentistry offers advanced set of endodontic treatment including root canal therapy that provides incredible benefit to patients. Here are the basics when it comes to root canal treatment and how it can help. Keep in mind that the primary purpose of root canal is to remove decay and the source of the infection within the pulp as necessary to improve dental health. Equally important when doing root canal is to make certain that the tooth structure itself can be restored. For example, if there is a fracture, split, crack or other problem with the tooth that has reached the pulp or if there is infection, then root canal therapy may not be the best choice. The main goal of root canal treatment is to save the tooth whenever possible.


Administering Local Anesthesia


There are several steps involved with root canal procedures. This includes administering local anesthesia to the patient via injections to numb the area that is to be treated. The next step is the inclusion of a dental dam. This is where a thin layer of rubber or vinyl is placed over the affected tooth as well as adjacent teeth. Once this has been accomplished, the tooth undergoing treatment is then exposed through a whole placed in the dam. This helps to isolate the tooth from the rest of the mouth. This makes for a sterile environment and ensures the best possible outcome. In addition, once the procedure begins small access holes are made directly into the biting surface of the tooth.


Antiseptically Disinfected


This helps the endodontist to gain access to the pulp chamber and the root canal itself. Ultimately the diseased or dead pulp tissue will have to be removed. The main goal of root canal is to completely clean out the canal of any dead or dying tissue. Most importantly, once the pulp and nerves have been removed, any pain becomes completely mitigated. Next the canals are antiseptically disinfected to ensure a completely sterile procedure. Once this is accomplished the canals are shaped using various instruments preparing the tooth to receive filling and a sealer. Different types of materials are used in this regard. Consult with your dental care provider to determine which filling will be used in your case. Multiple stages of disinfection and antibiotic treatment are also incorporated into the procedure.

 Prevent Any Type Of Infection 

Prevent Any Type Of Infection


This is fully intended to completely prevent infection. Always follow the instructions provided by your endodontist following root canal treatment. Patients can expect a small amount of minor discomfort following the procedure. This may only last a few days. In most cases over-the-counter pain medication is sufficient in this regard. Finally, patients typically return at a later time to have a permanent restoration placed. This permanently seals the top of the tooth and makes the tooth fully functional. Root canal therapy plays an important role in today's modern dentistry and can help patients enjoy a more normal way of life. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental today to learn more about root canal therapy and other endodontic treatment that it makes possible.


[1] Why A Root Canal Procedure Can Help
[2] How Long Does a Root Canal Procedure Take?
[3] Root Canal is Virtually Painless

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