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Gingivitis – Prevention and Treatment


Gingivitis is a gum disease that develops when plaque, a naturally occurring sticky layer that carries bacteria, accumulates on teeth and causes inflammation of the gum tissue around them. When this happens, the gums appear red or swollen, and they might even bleed. In order to maintain good oral health, it is essential to brush your teeth twice a day and pay close attention to your gum line.


The best treatment you can do for any disease is to follow all the specific measures and don't let it attack again. Prevention is for all people, whether you have the disease or not. We all are susceptible to get by ignoring the little steps taking us towards a good and healthy lifestyle.


Prevent Gingivitis


Following good oral hygiene is the key to preventing gingivitis or any other gums disease.


  • Brush regularly


Brushing your teeth at least twice every day to prevent oral diseases and flaunt a healthy smile. Getting rid of all the germs and food leftovers by brushing before going to bed will get you healthy gums without any infections and pain.


  • Floss daily


Brushing is not the only and enough way to prevent gingivitis. Sometimes, the brush alone cannot remove all the food particles stuck between your teeth. A good flossing routine helps eliminate germs; otherwise, they may grow and cause toothache or gum diseases.


  • Monitor what you eat


Monitor what you consume and at which time of the day. Eating sweets or chocolates before going to bed helps germs grow faster. You cannot remove sticky foods easily, so it is better to avoid candies or caramels at night if you have toothaches or any signs of gingivitis.


  • Visit your dentist


Visiting your dentist once every three months can be a lifesaver. If there are any signs of infection, your dentist will let you know, and by following a proper routine, you can cure it at the very first stage. Getting a proper check-up and cleaning will prevent any disease from happening.




The first-line treatment for gingivitis is to follow proper care.


  • Brush your teeth daily and floss them at least three times a week.


  • Use a medicated mouthwash that can kill the germs and clean your teeth after having a meal. Do not go hard while cleaning as it can cause water to penetrate and cause severe toothaches. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles, and make sure to change it every two to three months.


  • The second line treatment is to take medications recommended by your dentists. They will help kill the germs growing inside your gums and reduce pain and inflammation.


  • If the condition is severe, you can go for complete scaling and deep cleaning from a dentist. This will clean out any plaques and germs and would prevent any further infection from happening.




Gum Diseases and Their Effect on Pregnancy


*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. It is highly recommended that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.

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