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How Long Does a Dental Veneer Treatment Take?


How Long Does a Dental Veneer Treatment Take 

Many people are often asking that how long does a dental veneer treatment take, because they are interested in the innovative and unique dentistry known as veneers. The good news is that this type of treatment is commonplace today and can be done relatively quickly and affordably. In most cases you can expect to attend three appointments to complete the treatment. In the first appointment there was a consultation. During the second appointment the teeth are prepared, and temporary veneers replaced. In the final treatment the custom-made veneers are permanently placed creating a new and attractive smile.


The Placement of The Veneers Should Take No More Than Three Weeks


On average, the entire treatment from consultation to the permanent placement of the veneers should take no more than three weeks. Keep in mind that after the initial consultation that the temporary veneers must be sent out to a cosmetic laboratory where they are fabricated in a very careful and detailed way. It is also important to note that every case is unique and different and that such timelines can vary considerably. The condition of your teeth, the type of veneers and you and your dentist agree upon and overall availability will affect the timeline.

 The First Step is to Schedule Your Initial Consultation 

The First Step is to Schedule Your Initial Consultation


Finally, it is important to note that the placement of porcelain veneers is a routine procedure and is generally not painful. While there may be some mild temporary discomfort, in most cases there is virtually no pain. If you decide that porcelain is right for you, then the first step is to schedule an initial consultation. It is best to come prepared for this first consultation with questions and concerns that you may have. Jot down a few questions on an index card or piece of paper and bring this along to the meeting with your dentist. If you are still wondering about how long does a dental veneer treatment take, contact your Walnut Creek dentist, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental today.


[1] What To Know Before Getting Dental Veneers
[2] Veneers and Their Benefits

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