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Invisalign vs Braces, What You Need to Know


Straightening crooked teeth is a major concern especially when talking about young childrenInsialign Vs Braces who are still in the developmental stages. Dental braces have traditionally provided excellent results when it comes to straightening teeth that are crooked, misaligned or poorly spaced. Braces use ceramic or metal brackets and wires to slowly nudge teeth into correct alignment. Comparing Invisalign vs braces, Invisalign, which is a newer technology, uses clear, removable aligners to accomplish the same goal.

A Significantly Large Overbite or a Vertical Movement

While Invisalign is clearly more convenient and more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, many A Significantly Large Overbite or a Vertical Movementdentists prefer using braces for specific orthodontic treatments because of the overall effectiveness [1]. Braces are usually preferred in treatments for a significantly large overbite or for the vertical movement of teeth and perhaps pronounced tooth rotation. Keep in mind that braces are indeed removable but can only be removed by an orthodontist, while Invisalign is readily removable and replaceable as needed by the patient. In addition, braces require wires, spacers, brackets and a series of rubber bands where Invisalign only uses clear orthodontic aligners.

Invisalign’s Virtually Invisible Nature

In terms of maintenance, all that is required with Invisalign is to have new aligners replaced every two weeks. With braces, the patient must visit their dentist to have regular tightening andInvisalign’s Virtually Invisible Nature replacement of wires as well as general maintenance. Many people choose Invisalign because of its virtually invisible nature [2]. However, today's modern braces have become far less noticeable and are often made of materials that are clear and almost invisible also. Keep in mind that braces are never completely invisible but technology has greatly reduced how noticeable braces are today.

When a Retainer is Required

Another important consideration is that of cost - braces can range in price from $3000-$5000 When a Retainer is Requiredwhile Invisalign can easily cost $3500 to more than $8000 depending on the level of treatment required. As an added note, with Invisalign there is no need to wear a retainer, as is the case with braces. When a retainer is required with braces it must be worn at night after the braces have been removed for as long as two years. Regardless of whether a patient will receive braces or Invisalign, the first step is to meet with a dental care provider who will take x-rays, photographs and molds of the patient's mouth.

Exacting Computer Technology Makes Invisalign Possible

These steps will help to determine which treatment procedure will be the best for the patient. As an added note, when it is determined that Invisalign is indeed the best option, your dental care provider will also take impressions of your teeth. With Invisalign the impressions are used to formulate a digital 3D image as a way to strategize a treatment program. Invisalign features clear, plastic aligners that are specifically custom-made for the patient. Today, exacting computer technology makes Invisalign possible. Contact Walnut Creek Dental, Dr. Darvishzadeh today to learn more about Walnut Creek braces and Invisalign technology options.


[1] Orthodontics

[2] Invisalign and its Many Benefits

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