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Myths and Facts About Dental Sealants


Dental sealants are still widely underused despite being approved by the American Dental Association (ADA). A few common misunderstandings stand in their way that prevents people from building trust in the treatment. However, dental sealants are highly effective and help prevent cavity formation. It is a powerful tool for warding off tooth decay, especially in children. Dental sealants are most likely applied to children’s teeth; adults can also benefit from them.

Children are usually more prone to cavities because of consuming sugary and acidic foods. As a result, their tooth enamel gets weakened and can result in decay or cavity formation. A dental sealant acts as a barrier against plaque and bacteria and is a thin plastic coating. The sealant coating protects the tooth enamel and helps prevent cavity formation. However, many still believe in folk tales about sealants and do not avail of the treatment.

This article will uncover the truth about dental sealants so you can take advantage. Let’s discuss some busting myths and interesting facts about dental sealants to gather scientific evidence. 

“Dental sealants can last for 5-10 years with proper care. They help prevent 80% of cavities in the back teeth. It is estimated that 9 in 10 cavities occur in the back teeth, and dental sealants help prevent them”. 

Dental Sealants and Their Benefits 

Dental sealants fill up the pits and tiny grooves on teeth that are harder to clean. Even if you maintain good oral hygiene, plaque or tartar can still build up. The purpose of sealants is to ensure no cavity forms on your teeth and bacterial growth is minimized. Besides preventing cavities, dental sealants can also treat early cavities and help prevent them from getting worse. 

Dental sealants offer a quick and easy way to protect teeth from 50% of cavities for up to four years. They act as a protective shield against plaque and acidic foods and preserve the tooth enamel. There are many benefits of dental sealants, and here we’ll enlist some of them. 

  • They offer a pain-free application process. 
  • They are affordable and provide added support for oral health. 
  • Sealants are easily repaired and are super easy to maintain. 

Busting Myths About Dental Sealants 

  1. Dental Sealants Leak and Are Hard to Apply 

As long as teeth are not overly stressed, they are considered durable. The sealant coating requires some form of maintenance to ensure they work correctly. With the proper techniques, dental sealants won’t leak. Even if they seep out, the dentist can repair the adhesive, which adds more to your oral health.  

Some people think sealants are hard to apply and the process is lengthy. The truth is that sealants offer a quick and simple way to uplift oral health. The whole process takes a few minutes and provides adequate protection against cavities. 

  1. Sealants Don’t Last, and Teeth Will Decay Underneath Sealant 

Sealants are placed on the molars and are highly prone to wear and tear. Fortunately, dental sealants are easily repaired or replaced; therefore, it’s imperative to make sealant checks. With the proper care, sealants can last for up to 10 years. 

Another misconception is teeth will decay underneath the sealant, and bacteria can accumulate. When applied correctly, dental sealants help prevent cavities in the first place. Dental sealants aim to ensure teeth are well-protected against cavities or decay.   

  1. Only Pediatric Patients Get Benefit from The Sealants 

Dental sealants are most often used on pediatric patients. However, that doesn’t mean that only pediatric patients are fit for sealants. Both kids and adults can avail of the treatment besides maintaining good oral hygiene. 

Adults are susceptible to cavities like kids and must protect their teeth and enamel. Sealants add more to oral health and help attain good well-being. 

 Myths and Facts About Dental Sealants  

  1. Dental Sealants Aren’t Effective, and The Process Is Painful, too. 

When applied correctly, sealants are highly effective and prevent the issue of stains and decay. Today, dentists from all over the world are well-aware of constructive sealant materials. Several types of research indicate that sealants reduce the onset of cavities by up to 82%, especially in the first year. Children who do not have dental sealants are more likely to get cavities and have great chances of tooth decay. 

Another misconception about sealants is that the process is painful and unsuitable for many. That is why many people develop dental anxieties and refuse treatment. However, the truth is that sealants offer a pain-free procedure and never hurt. 

  1. Sealants Look Awkward on Teeth 

Some people think that sealants have unpleasant effects on teeth. They look awkward and affect the way they smile. However, dental sealants are invisible and don’t look bad on teeth. Instead, they protect the teeth from cavities and 

Facts Everyone Should Know About Dental Sealants  

  1. Sealants Are More Often Applied to Molar Teeth 

Molars are very textured, and food particles are more prone to get stuck. Also, brushing or flossing can be hard on molars, especially with children. That is why sealants are often applied on molars to ensure they provide adequate protection against cavities. 

Also, molars are common locations for cavities or bacterial accumulation. These hard-to-reach areas are not easy to clean, and plaque or tartar can build up. These toxic substances weaken the tooth enamel, and the tooth becomes more prone to cavities. Dental sealants help cure this issue and support good oral health. 

  1. They Are Safe and Completely Invisible 

There have been debates about if dental sealants are safe. That’s because the procedure briefly exposes the patients to BPA (Bisphenol A). BPA, an industrial chemical, is used to make plastics. Extensive research has been conducted to disclose if there is a threat from this exposure. 

The results state that there is no threat from BPA when applying dental sealants. BPA in limited quantities isn’t harmful, and you can trust the procedure. However, if you are still worried about BPA exposure, talk to your dentist beforehand. 

  1. The Application Process Is Quite Simple and Non-Invasive, too.

Dental sealants are applied quickly, taking up to a half hour. This treatment is non-invasive and will painlessly clean the teeth. Even if you are busy, you can still take some time off to undergo the treatment. Also, you can take your children with you even if they return from school. 

Dental sealants are a preventive measure for tooth decay, facilitating both kids and adults. No special tools need to be inserted, and the sealant procedure is easy to apply. The adhesive nature of the treatment allows dentists to carry out the process without any dental sedation. 

  1. Sealants Protect Decay from Spreading 

Dental sealants have been used since the 1960s; however, they have steadily improved. Today, dental sealants can prevent decay from spreading and supports oral care. Besides protecting the molars from decay, sealants stop the progression of tooth decay if it already exists in the mouth. 

  1. You Save Money in The Long Run 

Dental sealants are highly durable if they are applied correctly. They are super effective for those at risk of tooth decay and cavities. Dental sealants work as a preventive measure and help protect the enamel. 

Strong tooth enamel protects the teeth against plaque or bacterial growth and helps prevent gum disease. It implies that dental sealants save you money in the long run. 

Concluding Thoughts 

It is easy to get fooled by misconceptions or folk tales about dental sealants. The facts are clear: dental sealants protect your overall health besides preventing cavities. If you are interested in this treatment and want to preserve your smile, be willing to visit your dentist today.

Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh, at  Walnut Creek Dental to learn more about the Myths and Facts About Dental Sealants.


Dental Sealants For Adults: Are They Worth The Risks And Costs?

*This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition*

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