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Partial Dentures Vs. Fixed Implant Bridges: Which One to Consider?


Hypodontia, a developmental absence of one or more teeth, is one of the most common oral health conditions. Researchers estimate that 20% of adults suffer from this condition, impacting their chewing function. Tooth loss is otherwise common as well. Be it because of aging, tooth decay, gum disease, or otherwise; you might lose one or more of your teeth. A missing tooth can affect your smile, speech, bite, and appearance. However, today’s patients are lucky to use effective dental restorations to replace their missing teeth. Then, why not avail of partial dentures or fixed implant bridges to restore your oral health functioning?

Both of these restorations provide a reliable option to replace missing teeth. However, the right choice depends on your lifestyle and your dental health. The dentist can help you make this decision. But here, we’ll discuss some basics of partial dentures and dental bridges to keep you well-informed.

Dentures and Bridges: Quick Overview

The partial dentures are custom-made and removable devices that restore your ability to chew and talk. They are lost-cost dental devices that replace missing teeth, and you can freely speak in public. A partial denture consists of a gum-colored base, small metal attachments, and artificial teeth. When you are missing a few teeth, a partial denture can fill in the gap created by missing teeth. As a general rule, when your dental health cannot support a dental bridge, a partial denture is usually recommended.

The fixed bridges are excellent dental restorations for missing teeth, provided the patient’s dental health can support it. In contrast, fixed implant bridges restore missing teeth by utilizing dental implants. The implants are placed in the patient’s jawbone to maintain the facial shape and prevent future problems. This restoration is fixed and acts just like your natural teeth. It offers a worry-free solution to improve the patient’s bite.

 Partial Dentures Vs. Fixed Implant Bridges: Which One to Consider? 

Key Differences

While both of these dental restorations offer many benefits to the patients, there are some notable differences between them. Let’s explore them one by one.

  • A dental bridge can only replace missing teeth lying in consecutive order. In contrast, the denture for back or front teeth can replace missing teeth along an arch.
  • Dentures are easier to clean and maintain. They are removable, unlike fixed bridges that have to be cleaned just like natural teeth.
  • Your oral health must be in good health to avail of the dental bridge. Otherwise, you can have more complications, specifically regarding the bite force.
  • You need to remove your denture before sleeping, and you don’t have to worry about the fixed bridge.

Advantages of Each Restoration


  • They offer a budget-friendly option to replace missing teeth.
  • You can remove them whenever you want.
  • They are super easy to clean, and you can easily clean your mouth.
  • They help restore your confidence and smile.
  • They restore your bite and maintain your jaw structure and appearance.

 Partial Dentures Vs. Fixed Implant Bridges: Which One to Consider? 


  • A long-lasting solution that can even last for an entire lifetime.
  • They preserve the bone and help prevent future dental complications.
  • An inexpensive treatment than replacing every tooth with an implant.
  • They behave and function just like natural teeth.
  • They have a strong foundation and can withstand normal chewing and biting.

Dental Bridges or Dentures: Which One is Better?

After your dental health assessment, the dentist can tell you which option suits you. However, partial dentures for front teeth or partial dentures for back teeth are most suitable when:

  • You have lost multiple teeth in your front or back area.
  • Your existing teeth can’t support a fixed bridge.
  • You are looking for a cost-effective dental restoration.

Likewise, let’s have a look at some of the factors when your dentist most likely recommends you a dental bridge:

  • You have lost just a few teeth, up to three.
  • Your abutment teeth can support a fixed bridge.
  • You are looking for a dental restoration that can withstand a strong bite force.
  • You want to have natural touch in your artificial teeth.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the key differences between dental bridges and dentures, you might wonder which one is better for you. Visit your dentist today for an oral health examination and replace your missing teeth accordingly.

Contact your Walnut Creek dentist, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Walnut Creek Dental, to learn more about Partial Dentures Vs. You fixed Implant Bridges.


Benefits Of Dentures

This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.

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