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Permanent Dental Bridges Vs Partial Dentures


Permanent Dental Bridges Vs Partial Dentures 

Typically speaking there are two good options when it comes to replacing one, or more missing teeth. The replacement treatment that is best for you typically requires meeting with your dentist to determine the best course of action. The main objective is always to maximize oral health and the best in dental hygiene. When talking about pros and cons of permanent dental bridges vs partial dentures, there are certain things that must be considered. For example, how each option will work with existing natural teeth that are still in place? This is essential.


All Of These Considerations Should Be Taken Into Account


Both options are designed to fill an empty space where teeth have gone missing. This is of vital importance because keeping teeth from shifting can help to improve overall dental functionality as well as the ability to talk and smile. Keep in mind that dental bridges versus dentures function differently and require a different type of maintenance. All of these considerations should be taken into account when determining which option is most suitable. With partial dentures, patients have the benefit of being able to remove and replace the denture as necessary. A partial denture is typically made of molded plastic that is pink acrylic in color and it looks just like natural gums. Replacement teeth are affixed to the molded plate creating the finished product.

 An Anchor Point To Place Artificial Teeth 

An Anchor Point To Place Artificial Teeth


With dental bridges, this is a restorative type of technology that is used to close the gap caused by one or more missing teeth. A bridge uses adjoining natural teeth as an anchor point to place artificial teeth in the missing gap. This is a more permanent and lasting option and provides for greater levels of functionality overall. Keep in mind that the artificial teeth that are placed with the bridge can be created of porcelain, gold or a wide range of other metal alloys. Which option is best for you depends on your unique dental situation and your personal preferences. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental for more information on permanent bridges and partial dentures.


[1] Dental Bridges vs Partial Dentures
[2] Dental Bridge Vs Partial Denture, Advantage And Disadvantages
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