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Discover Restorative Dentistry Options That Get Results


Considered a unique and important part of overall dental care, restorative dentistry deals primarily with problems associated with damaged or missing teeth. From crowns to dental implants and a host of other procedures and techniques, the goal is always to maintain existing natural teeth while repairing damaged or diseased teeth. With the restorative dentistry options available today, restoring a natural smile and preventing serious oral health conditions later in life is more achievable than ever before. Whether filling gaps between teeth or correcting the alignment of existing teeth, there are many benefits to this type of dentistry. 




Fixed Directly into The Jawbone 

Dental implants are a key element of achieving the desired results when it comes to restoration related dentistry. Implants are important because they perform exactly like a natural tooth root and are fixed directly into the jawbone. Dental implants are permanent in nature and do not slip or shift providing an outstanding solution when it comes to restoration work. In addition, dental bridges and crowns can help to fill the gap between missing teeth. Conversely, inlays and onlays can also be used in the restoration of teeth. They are made from tooth colored materials and have a natural look and feel. 




Highly Artistic in Nature and Custom by Design 


Dentistry that is restorative in nature can be very substantial in its ability to help people who lack confidence by improving their smile. It helps to save teeth from disease and perfects the alignment and overall dental structure where required. Improved personal self-esteem and self-confidence and better outward appearance is always the goal of this type of dental work. In many ways, the restorative dentistry options available today can be highly artistic in nature and custom by design. This means that each procedure is unique to the patient. To learn more about restorative dentistry options, contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Walnut Creek Dental today. 


[1] Restorative Dentistry Options
[2] Dental Composite Fillings And Modern Dentistry

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