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Root Canal Treatment and How It Saves Teeth


Root Canal Treatment and How It Saves Teeth 

Saving teeth is always a top priority for both patients and dental care providers. This is because nothing quite compares to having a natural tooth as opposed to an artificial tooth or dental implant. That said when the choice arises as to whether or not to have a tooth pulled or have a root canal, it is highly recommended to always opt for root canal. When a tooth becomes infected or diseased it requires additional care. Root canal treatment or root canal therapy as an endodontic care is, as mentioned clearly a better alternative than having a tooth pulled. Not only is tooth extraction more painful but it ultimately causes problems with surrounding teeth such as shifting and movement.


Inflamed or Infected


Thanks to modern endodontic care and advancements in technology as well as procedures and materials, it is now easier than ever to save a tooth with root canal treatment. Even more encouraging is the fact that today’s modern endodontic treatment is virtually painless with little to no discomfort during or after the procedure. Root canal therapy is a basic concept in that the inside of the tooth or the pulp that has become inflamed or infected results in substantial damage and is removed. Once the pulp has been completely removed, the inside of the tooth is carefully and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

 Endodontic Treatment 

Endodontic Treatment


Ultimately a rubber like material known as gutta-percha is then added to the canal. During the final stages of this type of treatment, the tooth is fully restored using a crown, ensuring permanent protection. At the end of the day, a tooth that has received root canal treatment will function exactly like a normal tooth and last for many decades as well as likely an entire lifetime. Endodontic treatment is a smart approach to overall dental health and affords patients the opportunity to enjoy a natural and beautiful smile in ways that would otherwise not be possible. Along with a beautiful smile this treatment also restores full functionality. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental for more information about root canal treatment and how it saves teeth.


[1] Root Canal Therapy and What It Means To You
[2] How Long Does a Root Canal Procedure Take?

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