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Teeth Extraction: Is it Preventable?


The good news for dental patients young and old alike is that teeth extraction is completely preventable. As a matter of fact, all that is required is to maintain a good oral hygiene program at home and visit your dentist twice annually. By following these simple principles and also eating a healthy diet, you will likely have your natural teeth well into old age. However, many people stray from these simple rules and end up eating sugary foods and drinking soda while also eating a lot of candy. 

 If A Tooth Becomes Severely Cracked  

If A Tooth Becomes Severely Cracked 


Teeth and tooth enamel are very strong and resilient, but with too much exposure to the wrong foods and a lack of dental care and proper oral hygiene at home, tooth extraction can become a reality very quickly. That said, there are other instances where tooth extractions may be necessary. For example, if a tooth becomes injured due to trauma as the result of an accident in sports or in an automobile, a tooth may require extraction. If a tooth becomes severely cracked and broken, it may also require removal. Whatever the case may be, one thing is sure and that is that your dentist can perform an extraction when necessary.


Dental Pain 


Other instances where tooth extraction becomes required is when tooth decay has destroyed too much of the tooth structure. When this happens, there was little choice but extraction. This is why it is so important to have routine regular dental exams through all stages of life. Ignoring a dental problem or a toothache is one of the worst things that a person can do. A toothache or other pain in the joints of the jaw or in the gums may indicate a serious problem. Dental pain is the body’s way of telling you that something is not right. Anytime you experience dental pain schedule an appointment with your dental care provider to have a thorough examination.

 Extracting a Tooth Can Actually Be Beneficial  

Extracting a Tooth Can Actually Be Beneficial 


Dental professionals are there to help and that is why you should always plan to take advantage of professional dental care when needed. Nobody enjoys the idea of having a tooth extracted but sometimes it is absolutely necessary. Keep in mind that there are cases where extracting a tooth can actually be beneficial and helps other surrounding teeth. For example, for those with overcrowding and crooked teeth, sometimes an extraction is the perfect remedy. By extracting a tooth and then applying various orthodontic strategies, someone with crooked teeth can easily end up with beautifully straight and properly aligned teeth. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Walnut Creek Dental today if you have any questions about teeth extraction. 


[1] Understanding Tooth Extraction Aftercare

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