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The Holiday Season and Dental Health


Dental health is an important issue any time of the year and especially during the holiday season. Here are a few basic yet very important tipsThe Holiday Season and Dental Health on how to protect and maintain your dental health as the holiday season approach. For example, the hustle and bustle of the holiday time of year can easily result in missing essential dental exams and appointments. Avoid putting off dental exams or appointments until the new-year and simply get them done during the holidays. In fact, many people enjoy extra time off during the holidays making it the perfect time to honor dental appointments.

Use a Nutcracker

Use a NutcrackerIn addition, it is absolutely essential and highly recommended by dental care providers that you maintain a smart strategy when snacking. For example, always use a nutcracker as opposed to using your teeth to crack a nutshell. If you’re at a party and you can’t find a nutcracker simply opt for a different snack. This can help to avoid cracking or breaking a tooth at the most inappropriate time. Maintaining good dental health and oral hygiene during the holidays can be as simple as making smart choices.Reduces the Amount of Sugar

Reduces the Amount of Sugar

Finally, always avoid candy whenever possible. Cookies, cake and all types of candy are widely and readily available during the holidays. This nonstop exposure to sweets can cause absolute devastation to otherwise healthy teeth. If you absolutely must eat dessert or candy during the holidays make it a habit to brush your teeth immediately afterwards. This reduces the amount of sugar that your teeth are exposed to and lowers the risk of tooth decay. Keeping your smile attractive and cavity free during the holidays can be as easy as following these simple yet essential dental health tips. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental today to learn more.


[1] Understanding The Impacts of Diet on Dental Health
[2] Enjoy Great Dental Health During The Holidays
[3] Holiday Time and Protecting Dental Health


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