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The Importance of Bone Grafting


Bone grafting is a type of dental treatment that is of great importance as it intends to increase bone mass in sections of the jaw. This is usually done in areas where additional bone support is required in order to accept a dental device like a dental implant. Bone may be sourced from other locations in the body and then surgically fused to existing jawbone. In other instances, synthetic bone material may be used as an alternative. One of the more common reasons that bone grafting is done, is so the dental implants have adequate bone to be successfully implanted. 


A Good Candidate for a Bone Graft 

 the importance of bone grafting 

There are several different types of bone grafts including the type that involves sourcing bone from the patient’s hip or jaw while others use bone from a cadaver. In addition, there are cases where bone material may be sourced from a cow and situations where other types of synthetic material can be used. Asking the question of bone grafting and who really needs it can be as simple as understanding when it would be most beneficial to the patient. For example, someone with missing teeth requiring an implant is typically a good candidate for a bone graft. This is especially true if the patient lacks adequate jawbone mass. 


Gum Disease is a Serious Problem 

In addition, a patient who has suffered excessive tooth lost due to gum disease may be a likely candidate for receiving a dental bone graft followed by an implant. Gum disease is a serious problem and can cause substantial tooth loss over time. Keep in mind that when gum disease is not managed in an aggressive way it can eventually lead to excessive tooth loss as well as possibly even heart disease. Bone grafting is also sometimes used in a cosmetic sense. Meaning those who have lost excessive bone in the jaw area that affects appearance may also be a good candidate for grafting.


Enjoy a Better Quality of Life 

The good news is that with today’s modern dentistry, bone grafting is virtually painless and enjoys a very high success rate. Whatever the case may be with regard to bone grafting, it has important application in today’s world of dentistry. It is a way to help those who are missing teeth enjoy a better quality of life. Talking with your dental care provider about all your options with regard to bone grafting is the first place to start. Contact your Walnut Creek dentist, Dr. Massood Darvishzadeh, at Walnut Creek Dental to learn more about the importance of bone grafting and other dental procedures.



Advantages Of Cosmetic Dentistry

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