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TMJ-Related Problems


TMJ is a condition that affects many people throughout the country. The temporomandibular joint is a hinge in the jaw that connects to bones in the skull. The condition known as TMJ is associated with this part of the anatomy. Pain can radiate from this area of the body whether it be muscles, joints, or bones. While the condition is not totally understood, there are many reasons that the condition may arise. This can include everything from being involved in an automobile accident resulting in whiplash to sleep-related problems like teeth grinding or other types of injuries. Let's take a closer look at what are these TMJ-related problems.


Some of the More Common Symptoms 

Sometimes even excessive stress in one’s life may cause facial muscles to tighten and the teeth to clinch. When this happens for an extended period of time, TMJ can become a real problem. Even those with arthritis may experience the symptoms of TMJ. Some of the more common symptoms include difficulty with opening one’s mouth wide. The jaw may become stuck or locked in the open or closed position or there may simply be pain or tenderness in the facial region. In other cases, there may be pain associated with chewing, eating, speaking or simply opening the mouth. 




Earaches to Dizziness and Neck Aches 

In addition, individuals may experience a clicking or popping sound or even a grinding sound associated with the jaw when opening or closing the mouth. Excessive strain in the face or even swelling or inflammation in the facial region could also point to TMJ-related problems. Other symptoms associated with the syndrome include everything from earaches to dizziness and neck aches as well as toothaches and even shoulder pain. In some cases, there is a constant ringing of the ears that may indicate that there is a TMJ-related problem. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Walnut Creek Dental if you feel that you may have TMJ type issues. 


[1] What Is TMJ?
[2] What Is TMJ Or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?

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