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Understanding Dental Crowns Basics


Dental crowns have a long and proven history when it comes to helping patients enjoy greater functionality and improved outward appearance. A dental crown is a restoration type of Understanding Dental Crowns Basicstreatment that replaces the upper portion of the tooth known as the crown. The crown is simply the part of the tooth that resides above the gum line and that provides functionality in terms of chewing and general visual appeal. A crown is nothing more than a cemented restoration that either partially or completely covers the outside of the natural tooth becoming in essence, the tooth’s new crown.

Root Canal Therapy

A dental crown that is properly placed is important because it restores full functionality. The Root Canal Therapypreparation involved with placing a crown begins with a portion of the natural tooth being shaved down to make room for the artificial crown. Preparations in this regard can vary substantially depending on the type of material that will be used to create the artificial crown. Also taken into account are tooth fractures, prior fillings, any prior root canal therapy, and other similar situations [1]. This is all considered because the tooth structure itself must be strong enough and structurally sound enough to support an artificial crown.

Prone to Fractures

Dental crowns can be required for a number of different situations. The most common type of dental concerns that may warrant the use of a crown includes teeth that have had a large filling. When a tooth has had substantial fracturing or a large cavity that occupies more than half the Prone to Fractureswidth of the tooth it may be best served by the placement of an artificial crown [2]. This is simply due to the fact that the remaining tooth surrounding a large filling will usually become weak and is more prone to fractures.


A tooth that has had root canal treatment is typically an ideal candidate for an artificial crown. This is because the tooth has become hollowed out and may be more susceptible to cracking. It Restorationis typically standard procedure to complete a root canal by placing a crown. This type of restoration is routine and is performed as a way to prevent fracturing or cracking following root canal treatment. Those with excessive wear of their teeth may also be good candidates for a dental crown. Teeth that are constantly ground can become shorter over time. That is why it is so important to consider the advantages of dental crowns [3].

Popcorn Kernels and Ice

Finally, those with a broken natural crown resulting from trauma or where there has been a large filling can benefit substantially from all that modern artificial dental crowns make possible. Other types of cracks in teeth can occur because of chewing stresses as well as the chewing of hard items such as popcorn kernels and ice. All of these situations and others can easily cause fractures and cracks in teeth. When this happens, dental crowns are often the best alternative. Contact your Walnut Creek dental crown professional, Dr. Darvishzadeh today to learn more.

References: [1] Root Canal Therapy Saves Teeth [2] Dental Crowns or Caps [3] Understanding the Full Jaw Restoration Process

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