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Walnut Creek Dentist’s advise on Selecting A Dentist


Oral health is very important to us. It is recommended that you visit a dentist at least once in every three months, if not more often. But what should you look for when you are searching for a dentist? Here is a special “Select Dentist” check list that you should have a look at before you approach an oral surgeon. 

Walnut Creek Dentist, Dr. Massood Darvish

 Location of the clinic: The dentist’s location has to be convenient, and within easy reach. Obviously you cannot select a dentist who is miles away and leave dentists within your immediate location. Your choice of dentist will depend on how far the clinic is from either your home or office, whichever you plan to make your visits from. Cost of services: The mode of payment and how much you are willing to pay for a service should guide you on which dentist to select. As yourself these questions: What kind of payments does the dentist accept? Is it cash or credit card payments? Does he recognize your insurance company? Some dentists have extra fees other than the consultation fee they are likely to charge (x-ray fees or dental scrub fees and so on). Seek to find out more about this. The cost of a dental procedure will also vary from one procedure to another, so a root canal may cost you more than a filling. Convenience: Convenience refers to how comfortable you are visiting that particular dentist. Are you open enough to disclose your problem to him? Does he seem to understand your symptoms? Under convenience you will also need to find out whether the working hours of the dentist fit with your schedule. Finally, you will need to be keen on the professional qualifications of the dentist. The clinic should have a display of his license certificate and perhaps a certificate showing membership of a professional body. Do not gamble when selecting a dentist, make an informed choice! Walnut Creek Dentist, Dr. Massood Darvish is here to answer your questions. Contact us today at 925-478-5747

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