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What Are All-On-Four Dental Implants And Is It A Good Option?


All-On-Four Dental Implants 

To fully understand all-on-four dental implants it is first important to know what a dental implant is and what it does. It is basically a small titanium post that is surgically implanted into the jawbone of the patient where there is a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. Once an implant has been placed and healing has occurred, the dental care provider can then place an artificial tooth onto the post. This concept can be taken to another level by implanting multiple posts or screws as anchors in order to attach a permanent or removable denture.


Millions Of People Have Missing Teeth


Surprisingly, tooth loss is more common in adults than most people might imagine. With millions of people having missing teeth in either the upper or lower portion of the jaw, there are many options available today including all-on-four dental implants. Indeed, this type of dental implant arrangement is clearly a good option for many people today. Especially those who wish to avoid having to wear removable dentures. Removable dentures are not particularly desirable simply because they shift and fall out of place and make it difficult to eat and talk at times. In short all-on-fours make it possible to create an arch of teeth with only four dental implants.

 All on Four 

Implants Are Made Of Titanium Making Them Very Strong


Rather than having a dental implant placed for each individual tooth, four carefully placed implants on the top or bottom of the mouth can restore a full and attractive as well as fully functional smile. Implants are made of titanium making them strong, durable and long lasting especially when they fuse with living bone. As an added advantage, with the advent of dental implants, there is a reduction of bone loss in the jaw. This ultimately results in a more youthful facial appearance and overall better oral health. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut creek Dental for more information on all-on-four dental implants and all that they make possible.


[1] Learn More About Modern Dental Implant Technology
[2] My Dental Implant Options
[3] Modern Dental Implant Options

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