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Who Should Go For Composite Fillings?


Our parents and elders have constantly reminded us to brush our teeth every day, use dental flossing, and avoid sugary items as much as we can. However, most of us still get dental cavities despite maintaining good oral health. Statistics show that only 1 percent of the world's population is immune to cavities, and 99% of the population has at least one tooth cavity in their lifetime. It is essential to treat tooth cavities. Otherwise, an infection might emerge, requiring a root canal or tooth extraction to prevent the disease from spreading.


This article will discuss the ideal candidates for tooth-colored- fillings and why they are chosen. So, let's begin.


Ideal Candidates For Composite Fillings:


When a cavity appears, it needs to be filled. These days, composite fillings are becoming more popular than ever. The reason lies in providing a natural look to the teeth and restoring them quickly. There could be several solutions to fix your cavity; composite fillings are commonly used to treat tooth decay and cavities. These dental fillings are plastic formulations employed to repair or rebuild sections of impacted or deformed teeth. The criteria for ideal candidates for this treatment are enlisted below.


  • People who require tooth filling from small to a greater region are usually recommended for this treatment.
  • If you have tooth decay or symptoms like toothache or tooth sensitivity, visit your dentist and ask for this treatment option.
  • If there is a presence of brown or white spots on your teeth, do not ignore them and instead visit your dentist immediately.
  • If you have chipped, cracked, or damaged teeth, you might require composite fillings to restore them. Never hesitate to make an appointment with your dentist.


Reasons For Choosing Them:


From mending tooth cavities to making minor, aesthetic amendments to teeth, there are many reasons to choose composite fillings. Some of them are:


  • Less Invasive Treatment Option


Compared to silver dental fillings, composite fillings offer a less invasive treatment option to cure your tooth. It only requires a small incision into the tooth cavity with the help of an instrument to restore it.


  • Composite Fillings Are Safe


Composite Fillings do not contain toxic materials and are perfectly safe to adopt. Unlike amalgam fillings which contain 50% mercury content, the composite fillings do not disturb the patient's health due to mercury poisoning.


  • They Promote Healthy Tooth Structure


Composite fillings directly adhere to the tooth's surface and are incredibly versatile. The procedure of composite fillings requires less drilling and this dental filling efficiently blends in with the natural teeth. Also, they play a significant role in restoring your tooth and are virtually invisible.


Final Thoughts:


We hope that this piece of writing has enlightened you about choosing composite fillings if you are suffering from tooth decay and cavity. Treat your tooth immediately by consulting a dentist near you to avoid further damage. Happy Tooth Restoration!


Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Darvishzadeh at Walnut Creek Dental for more information about dental fillings.




Composite Filling Advantages


*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.

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